North QLD, NT, SA & country VIC customers please use express post for live plant orders.
North QLD, NT, SA & country VIC customers please use express post for live plant orders.
Collections: Corn Seed, Seeds All, Summer Growers - Seasonal, Vegetable Seeds, Vegetable Seeds C to D
(Zea mays) - Certified Organic Seed - Grown at Greenpatch Organic Seeds
Fast growing to 1 metre, producing up to 6 small deep red cobs per plant. Ideal for popcorn & crafty creations. Very ornamental and excellent popping ability.
How to Grow
Corn is a heavy feeder of key nutrients in your soil, it is important to plant corn in very fertile soil with good moisture holding capacity. You can improve your soil by using compost, animal manures and fertilisers. Choose a full sun position and sow during the warmer months in Spring & Summer. Sow seed direct into the garden by forming a furrow roughly 2cm deep. Sow a couple of seeds together then cover with 2cm of soil and keep moist until germinated. Thin out plants to the strongest seedling once they germinate. Space seeds 20cm apart and try to grow in blocks of at least 10 plants to improve pollination.
Plants will set cobs between 70-90 days depending on the variety. For maize varieties allow the cob to mature on the plant before you harvest. Harvest time is indicated by the colour of the sheath on the cob with 50% of it needing to be brown off before picking. Ideally allow 100% of the sheath to dry off before harvest.
Sow spring & summer direct into garden.
Packet contains approx 65 seeds.
Open pollinated variety, Non - Hybrid, Non - GMO
90 days to harvest
Eat cobs roasted at milking stage or use as animal feed.